Pistachio gelato is phenomenal. It is sweet, has a complex flavor full of roasted salty nuttiness, is amazingly smooth and creamy, and is just as addicting as the nuts used in the making.
In a food processor or blender coarsely grind the pistachios.
In a medium sauce pan over medium low heat, heat the milk and cream until steaming, stirring often. Don't let the mixture boil or the milk will curdle and don't forget to stir often because the milk will burn on the bottom of the pan. When the milk and cream are very hot, remove from the heat and stir in the ground pistachios and the vanilla. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
The next day drain the pistachio mixture through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl. Use the back of a spoon to really press out the extra moisture left in the pistachio chunks. Discard the pistachio pulp/pieces (or eat it by the spoonful!). Rinse and dry out the pan. Return the milk mixture to the pan.
In a separate bowl beat the eggs and the sugar until lighter in color and thick, about 3 to 5 minutes on a medium speed.
Heat the milk mixture over medium heat until it is again steaming but not boiling.
Carry the bowl of egg yolks and sugar over to the stove and pour just a little of the warm pistachio milk mixture in and stir to combine. Slowly add the rest of the beaten egg yolk mixture to the pan, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Cook until the mixture forms a custard that thickly coats the back of your spoon (this will be about 175 to 180 degrees F).
Cool the gelato mixture completely before processing in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturers directions.
Once the gelato has finished churning, quickly place it in an airtight container and freeze for at least 2 hours or until you are ready to serve. Enjoy with a few additional chopped pistachios on top if you like.
This is very light and natural in green color... don't expect neon green :)If you like a less sweet dessert reduce the sugar by 1/4 of a cup.