A quick and easy guide on how to pickle peppers using the hot water bath canning method. Produces shelf-stable pickled peppers you can eat all winter long.
Remove the stem end. Slice the peppers into rings that are 1/4 to a 1/2 inch thick.
Wash your pint canning jars and prepare the lids according the manufacturer's directions.
Pack the sliced peppers into the prepared jars.
In a large pot, combine the vinegar, water, salt, sugar, and garlic. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the garlic.
Ladle the hot liquid into the jars, leaving a 1/2 inch of head space at the top. Remove any air bubbles and adjust the liquid as needed.
Wipe the rim of the jars clean and add the lid and ring.
Process in a hot water bath. Process for 10 minutes. If you are above 1,000 feet elevation, process for 15 minutes and above 6,000 feet elevation, process for 20 minutes.
Wear rubber gloves when handling hot peppers or wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching your face.Recipe from, tested, and approved by the National Center for Home Food Preservation. You can visit their post here if you have furthers questions.