A healthy honey coconut granola recipe made with whole grain oats, honey, coconut oil, coconut flakes and more! This is an easy recipe for healthy granola that tastes wonderful.
Preheat oven to 225 degrees. Line a big cookie sheet with parchment.
In a large bowl combine the oats, coconut, flour, salt, and cinnamon. In a small bowl whisk together the water, coconut oil, honey, and vanilla. (If you honey is thick, use hot water or microwave it just a bit). Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients. Mix everything together making sure there are no dry spots.
Spread granola onto the prepared cookie sheet. The pan will be nice and full. Bake for about an hour and half total, stirring every 20 minutes to make sure everything bakes evenly. When you are stirring, don't get too crazy because you don't want to break up all of the clumps.
When granola starts to turn a light golden color (about an hour into cooking) add your nuts. Continue cooking until everything is a nice golden color, taking care not to burn the nuts.
The granola will still be slightly sticky when you take it out and will crisp up after it cools.
Store in an airtight container.
This recipe is very forgiving. If I am feeling cheap or plain I don't add any nuts.
The plain-jane granola is excellent with yogurt and berries.
Honey burns pretty easily. If your granola is looking dark or smelling like it's burning, turn the oven down 25 degrees and take the pan out while the oven cools. Burnt honey granola isn't the best.