Frozen Smoothie Packs (the easiest smoothies ever!)
Freezer Smoothie Bags make smoothies so easy when you already have everything portioned out and frozen. Just add almond milk and you're done! This smoothie recipe is the best make-ahead breakfast for the upcoming week!
Add all of the smoothie ingredients to a bag, close, and freeze (see post for details, tips, and tricks).
When you are ready to make a smoothie add the contents of one freezer smoothie bag plus 1 cup almond milk to the jar of you blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy right away.
It's the perfect way to use up fruits or vegetables before they get old. Did you buy a big bag of greens and they are starting to get a little old? Normally half that bag would slowly turn to slime in the vegetable drawer, but this way you can use it! Make a whole bunch of freezer smoothie bags before your greens get old. The same thing goes for old bananas... the ones that are starting to get old taste extra sweet in a smoothie. I waste so much less now that I make these bags!
The smoothies taste better because they are extra cold because everything is frozen.
You don't have to have a high-powered blender to enjoy these (though they are wonderful...). Just cut your smoothie ingredients into smaller pieces for easier blending! I'd keep most pieces under an inch square in size if using a traditional blender.