3-4 simple cheeses: think cheddar, swiss, and pepper-jack. You can add Parmesan, simple goat cheeses, or something like an herb and garlic cheese as well.
3-4 fruits and 3-4 vegetables: this helps to fill in the board, apples and grapes are staples and go well with the cheeses.
2-3 simple meats: go for cubed ham, pepperoni, and summer sausage.
Add fun extras like candy and nuts: pick things that won't melt if taking to a party like gummies or jelly beans
Find a nice large cutting board or a pretty rimmed baking sheet.
Start by adding the meats and cheeses to the board since they take up quite a bit of room. I like to clump them together by the type of meat or cheese but don't feel like you have to keep things from touching.
Add your fruits and veggies next.
Add the crackers in the main spaces remaining.
Put the candy and nuts in little dishes and/or in the few smaller spots left, these are kind of your garnish, so use them to make the board look full.
Serve right away or wrap well and stick in the fridge until you are ready to party (can be made a few hours ahead of time. If you need to make it farther ahead of time don't add the crackers until you are ready to serve so that they don't get stale).
You can't mess this up! One key is to let the board look full so don't try to keep things from touching.
Add your favorite things or what you have on hand - you just want a variety of each.
Cut the cheese, fruits, and veggies into different shapes to keep it interesting to look at it and help people tell the cheeses apart.
Aim for a mix of colors and textures - different textures of cheeses, fruits, and vegetables to complement and contrast the rest of the things on the board.