Candy melts in a variety of colorssuch as green, orange, and blue
Almond Bark - white melting candy coating
orange and green M&M candies
small pretzel knots
red packaged icing
Hershey's Kisses
Nutter Butter cookies
pre-made Rice Krispies Treat bars
candy eyes
black icing gel
chocolate sprinkles
To make Pumpkin Pretzels:
Melt 1-2 cups orange candy melts according to package directions.
Dip pretzels into melted candy melts and use a fork to fish them out again. Tap the fork on the edge of the bowl to remove extra candy.
Place covered pretzel on a piece of wax paper.
Place a green M&M candy at the top of the pretzel while the candy melt is still melty - it should look like a pumpkin stem.
Let the candy harden before removing your pumpkin pretzel from the wax paper.
To make Oreo Witch Hats:
Place a small amount of red icing in the center of the Oreo cookie.
Press an unwrapped Hershey Kiss to the cookie where you put the icing. Let the icing squish out from under the kiss a bit so that you can see it. You can add additional icing around the Kiss to look like a bow if you like.
To make Nutter Butter Ghosts:
Melt the Almond Bark white melting candy coating according to package directions.
Dip the Nutter Butter cookies into melted Almond Bark and use a fork to fish them out again. Tap the fork on the edge of the bowl to remove extra candy coating.
Place covered cookie on a piece of wax paper.
Place orange M&M candies at the top of the cookie to look like eyes and a mouth while the candy melt is still melty. You can use other colors of M&M's as well and even orange Tic-Tacs.
Let the candy harden before removing your cookie from the wax paper.
To make Rice Krispies Treat Frankensteins:
Melt green candy melts according to package directions.
Pour chocolate sprinkles into a small bowl.
Unwrap a Rice Krispies Treat and dip the front into the green candy melts, no need to dip the whole thing.
Press the top into the bowl of sprinkles so that the sprinkles stick to the wet candy melts to make Frankie's hair.
Set the Rice Krispies Treat on a piece of wax paper.
Add two candy eyes while the candy melts are still soft.
Once the candy melts have set, use black piping gel to make a mouth.
To make Marshmallow Monsters:
Melt any color of candy melts you want according to package directions (different colors in different bowls).
Stand marshmallows up on a piece of wax paper.
Use a spoon to spoon the melted candy over the marshmallows so that the candy drips off the top of the mallow. Repeat with remaining mallows and candy melts.
Before the candy melts harden, add candy eyes to your monsters and chocolate sprinkles as hair or eyebrows.
Let the candy melts harden before removing from the wax paper.
Our little store only had a few colors of candy melts. I discovered that you can mix them like you would paint! I melted 2 parts yellow to 1 part blue to make green and did 2 parts yellow and 1 part red to make orange. Worked great!
If you want to color your own almond bark or white candy melts, make sure to get some oil based food coloring. Regular food coloring will make it seize up and ruin the whole batch.
You can find candy eyes with the sprinkles or with the candy melts. You can even order them on Amazon because the internet is amazing.
Don't overheat your candy melts when melting them. Melt them in a double boiler or in the microwave doing short bursts and stirring afterward - once it is mostly melted you can stir until the last bits melt too.