Biscuits and Gravy Casserole

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Biscuits and Gravy Casserole is a classic, creamy comfort food transformed into the perfect breakfast dish! The homemade gravy, combined with sausage and eggs, is poured over biscuits to fill them with flavor as they bake.

biscuits and gravy casserole recipe served on a round plate.
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Sometimes all you need is a warm, comforting, and satisfying casserole for breakfast! Biscuits and gravy casserole is a creamy, flavorful dish that checks all those boxes. This casserole is simple and easy to put together, but you can add a variety of different ingredients to mix it up.

The homemade gravy is quick to whisk together and flavorful, seeping into the biscuits to make them moist and flaky. The eggs give this dish a fluffy and airy structure which is what makes it perfect for breakfast. I love to make this dish when we have overnight guests because it can feed a crowd and doesn’t require a lot of effort. I also love this breakfast sandwich recipe featuring biscuits for visitors as well!

Recipe Ingredients

portion bowls each with raw ingredient to make biscuits and gravy.
  • Biscuit Dough—To form the base of your casserole. You can use homemade or store-bought dough.
  • Sausage—Any kind of sausage will work, but make sure to cook it beforehand.
  • Butter—Preferably salted.
  • Flour—To thicken the gravy and make it creamy.
  • Salt and Black Pepper—To give your gravy that classic flavor.. 
  • Milk—This will even out your gravy and ensure that there are no clumps.
  • Eggs—To bind the casserole together and provide structure.

See the recipe card for full information on ingredients and quantities.

How to Make Biscuits and Gravy Casserole

biscuit dough chopped up into a casserole dish for the biscuits and gravy casserole recipe.
pot with the progress of making biscuits and gravy.

Step #1. Preheat your oven. Use a knife or scissors to cut up the biscuit dough and transfer the pieces to a baking dish. Set aside.

Step #2. Set aside. In a pot, melt the butter over medium heat. Once the butter is completely melted, whisk in the flour.

pot with the progress of making biscuits and gravy.
biscuits and gravy casserole recipe.

Step #3. Add the milk, pepper, and salt. Whisk continuously until the mixture thickens. 

Step #4. When thickened, stir in the sausage and pour the mixture over the biscuit pieces.

biscuits and gravy casserole recipe with uncooked eggs poured in.
biscuits and gravy casserole recipe in a 9x12 dish.

Step #5. Whisk the eggs and remaining milk and add the mixture to the baking dish. 

Step #6. Bake casserole until the eggs are fully set. Serve and enjoy! 

Recipe FAQs

How do I prevent the biscuits from getting soggy?

As your casserole cooks, the biscuits will soak up the gravy making them perfectly moist and delicious! The key to ensure the biscuits are moist and not soggy lies within how you place the biscuits and prepare the gravy. First, make sure you cut up your biscuits evenly and distribute them well on your baking dish. Second, you don’t want the gravy to be thin or runny because it will cause the biscuits to absorb too much liquid and lose flakiness. If you find the gravy is too runny, add some extra flour and whisk until it is a bit thicker, but still smooth and ready for the casserole.

What do I do if the top is browning too quickly?

If you find the casserole is looking browned on top but the middle still seems a bit runny, there are a few ways to help it cook quickly without burning the top. The middle of the casserole should not be too far behind the top in terms of cooking, but you can place aluminum foil on top of the casserole to prevent the top from cooking at a faster rate than the middle. Another option is to rotate the casserole if one side is looking more cooked than another, or move it to a lower rack if it was previously on a high rack. Lastly, you can try lowering the oven temperature if you feel it is too high. One of these solutions should fix your problem and your casserole will come out smelling and looking incredible. 

How can I tell when the biscuits are done?

The best way to tell if your biscuits are done is to check them by inserting a knife or toothpick into some of them. If they come out mostly clean without any gooey crumbs, then the biscuits are done and you can take your casserole out of the oven.

biscuits and gravy casserole recipe in a 9x12 dish with a square serving on a wooden spatula.

How to Serve and Store Biscuits and Gravy Casserole

There are many simple and easy ways to serve this casserole with extra flavor. You can add a sprinkle of cheese on top, hot sauce, or garnish of green onions. Biscuits and gravy casserole is also a great choice for breakfast. You can pair it with some fresh fruit, a smoothie, homemade yogurt or any of your other favorite breakfast dishes.

If you have leftovers don’t worry because this casserole is just as delicious the next few days. You can store it in the fridge for up to 4 days in an airtight container. To reheat the casserole, simply place a slice in the microwave for 45-60 seconds or until warm throughout.

Expert Tips

  • This casserole can be made with any kind of ground breakfast sausage. I love to use spicy sausage to add a little bit of heat, so pick what you like best.
  • It is important that you stir the gravy consistently to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot and burning.
  • Allow time for the casserole to cool. It will become easier to slice and serve as you let it set for a few minutes.
  • You can add any kind of seasoning to your gravy! If you want some extra heat, you can add ½ teaspoon of red pepper flakes.
biscuits and gravy casserole recipe in a 9x12 dish.
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Biscuits and Gravy Casserole

Biscuits and Gravy Casserole is a classic comfort food made perfect for breakfast. Homemade gravy with sausage and eggs is poured over biscuits, adding flavor as they bake.
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook: 30 minutes
Total: 50 minutes
Servings: 8


  • 1 tube refrigerated biscuit dough, 8 count package
  • 1 pound ground sausage, cooked
  • ¼ cup butter
  • ¼ cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 cups whole milk, plus 2 tablespoons
  • 6 large eggs
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  • Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  • Use a knife or a pair of scissors to cut up the biscuit dough and transfer the pieces to a 9×13 inch baking dish. Set aside.
  • In a small pot or pan, melt the butter over medium heat. Once the butter is completely melted, whisk in the flour. Add the milk, pepper, and salt. Whisk continuously for about 5 minutes, or until the mixture begins to thicken.
  • Once the gravy has thickened, stir in the sausage and pour the mixture over the biscuit pieces.
  • Whisk the eggs and remaining milk together and add the mixture to the baking dish.
  • Bake your casserole for 30 minutes, or until the top of the casserole is no longer jiggly.
  • Serve and enjoy!


  • This casserole can be made with any kind of ground breakfast sausage. We like to use spicy sausage to add a little heat to the casserole.
  • For extra heat, add 1/2 teaspoon of red pepper flakes to your gravy.
  • It is important to stir the gravy consistently to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot/ pan and burning.
  • Store your leftover casserole in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days.
  • Reheat a slice of the casserole in the microwave for 45-60 seconds.
  • This casserole will become easier to slice the more it cools.


Calories: 532kcal, Carbohydrates: 34g, Protein: 19g, Fat: 35g, Saturated Fat: 12g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 7g, Monounsaturated Fat: 14g, Trans Fat: 0.4g, Cholesterol: 187mg, Sodium: 1311mg, Potassium: 415mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 5g, Vitamin A: 499IU, Vitamin C: 0.4mg, Calcium: 130mg, Iron: 3mg
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