Berries and Cream 

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Homemade whipped cream topped with fresh strawberries and blueberries is an easy, no-bake dessert that everyone will love! This berries and cream recipe is light, sweet, and refreshing.

small glass with layered parfait of berries and cream with mint on top.
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Are you looking for a light, easy, and simple dessert for tonight? Look no further than this berries and cream recipe! In less than 10 minutes, you will have a light, sweet, and flavorful dessert that is sure to be a big hit with everyone. You can even make the whipped cream a few hours ahead, store it in the fridge, and bring it out when you’re ready to assemble it with the berries. There is nothing I love more than a simple sweet treat after dinner or at the end of the night, and this checks all the boxes. 

The best part about berries and cream is that you can modify it however you like and it will still taste delicious! Once you make the whipped cream, you can serve it with blackberries or raspberries to mix things up. I tend to garnish mine with a drizzle of honey, but you can also use fresh mint for a more finished look. Serving with homemade shortcake would taste delicious. The natural sweetness of the berries and the fluffy whipped cream creates the perfect combination of flavors and textures.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

  • Makes the perfect dessert, side dish, or sweet snack.
  • Is full of fresh, bright flavors that contrast the smooth, sweet whipped cream.
  • Can be ready in just a few minutes and only uses simple pantry ingredients. 
  • Is easy to modify with a variety of fruits and toppings. Homemade granola would taste yummy sprinkled on top.
golden spoonful of berries and cream.

Equipment You’ll Need 

Since we will be making homemade whipped cream, you will want to have an electric hand mixer to make it easier on yourself. If you don’t have one, you can use a Kitchenaid mixer with a wire whisk attachment. 

Recipe Ingredients

portion bowls each with digitally labeled raw ingredients to make berries and cream.
  • Heavy Cream—Chilled cream will whip up quicker. 
  • Powdered Sugar—Sweetens your whipped cream and gives it a nice texture.
  • Vanilla Extract—Helps amplify the sweetness of the whipped cream. 
  • Fresh Berries—A mix of strawberries and blueberries.

See the recipe card for full information on ingredients and quantities.

How to Make Berries and Cream

portion bowls each with raw ingredient to make berries and cream recipe.
clear mixing bowl with the progress of berries and cream.

Step #1. Wash, dry and cut berries.

Step #2. Add sugar, vanilla and cream together in a large bowl.

clear mixing bowl with the progress of berries and cream.
small mason jar with berries on top.

Step #3. Use an electric hand mixer to beat the cream, sugar, and vanilla together until stiff peaks begin to form.

Step #4. Fill the bottom of a glass with whipped cream. Fill the remaining space with layers of strawberries, blueberries, and whipped cream.

Recipe FAQs

Can I use frozen berries instead of fresh?

I would recommend using fresh berries in this recipe to maximize the natural sweetness of the dish, but if you don’t have any on hand, frozen berries will work. If you are using frozen berries then you will want to thaw them either in the microwave for 30-45 seconds or on the counter in a bowl before you serve them so they aren’t hard to bite. It is also important to note that since frozen berries carry more moisture after they are thawed, it may cause your whipped cream to break down a little bit.

Can I make berries and cream vegan?

This recipe can easily be made vegan! Instead of using heavy cream, you can use coconut cream and a vegan alternative to powdered sugar, like powdered monk fruit. As you beat the mixture together with your hand mixer, it might take a little bit longer to get the right consistency but you will end up with a similar consistency to traditional whipped cream! Once your vegan whipped cream is ready to go just add your berries and enjoy!

What other fruits can I add?

In addition to strawberries and blueberries, you can use blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, etc. I always like to switch things up with whatever fruits are in season and available at the grocery store!

small glass with layered parfait of berries and cream with mint on top.

How to Store Berries and Cream 

If you have any leftover berries and cream, you can store them in the fridge covered with plastic wrap for about a day. The juice from the fruit will start to break down the whipped cream as it sits, so keeping it any longer might turn it into a watery and melted mess. You can store the whipped cream by itself in a bowl covered with plastic wrap for 2 days in the fridge.

Expert Tips

  • Be sure to wash and completely dry your berries before cutting or using them.
  • As you start mixing the whipped cream, start the mixer on a slow setting and work your way up as it gets thicker so the heavy cream and powdered sugar don’t splatter.
  • If you want to split this recipe into multiple servings, you can use smaller glasses and double the recipe to accommodate however many people you have.
  • I like to spoon in the whipped cream and then spread it with the back of the spoon, but you can also use a piping bag if that’s easier.
  • I love to add some fresh mint leaves to the top of my berries and cream as a nice garnish.
small glass with layered parfait of berries and cream with mint on top.

More Desserts To Consider

small glass with layered parfait of berries and cream with mint on top.
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Berries and Cream 

Homemade whipped cream with fresh strawberries and blueberries is an easy, no-bake dessert. Light, sweet, and refreshing!
Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 10 minutes
Total: 15 minutes
Servings: 2


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 cup sliced strawberries
  • 1 1/4 cup blueberries
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  • Use an electric hand mixer to beat the cream, sugar, and vanilla together on high speed until stiff peaks begin to form.
  • Fill the bottom of a 12 ounce glass with whipped cream. Fill the remaining space with layers of strawberries, blueberries, and whipped cream as desired.
  • Serve and enjoy!


  • We like to garnish your berries and cream with some fresh mint leaves.
  • The vanilla helps amplify the sweetness of the whipped cream.
  • In addition to strawberries and blueberries, you can also use blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, etc. we like to switch things up with whatever fruits are in season or available at our grocery store.
  • You can store your berries and cream in the fridge covered with plastic wrap for about a day. The juice from the fruit will start to break down the whipped cream.
  • We like to spoon in our whipped cream and then spread it with the back of the spoon, but you can also use a piping bag.
  • You can use smaller glasses to split this recipe into 4 servings.


Calories: 1013kcal, Carbohydrates: 57g, Protein: 8g, Fat: 86g, Saturated Fat: 55g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 4g, Monounsaturated Fat: 22g, Cholesterol: 269mg, Sodium: 67mg, Potassium: 439mg, Fiber: 4g, Sugar: 50g, Vitamin A: 3559IU, Vitamin C: 63mg, Calcium: 178mg, Iron: 1mg
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